
Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research

The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research aims to create the appropriate academic environment for academic staff and students to publish research and participate in local and international periodicals and conferences.     


1. Taking the lead in the development of new programs of postgraduate study.

2. Providing timely information to potential students, faculty, and administrators concerning graduate schools’ programs and procedures.

3. Working with Deans and Chairs of undergraduate programs in the development of faculty policy on postgraduate education.

4. Advising on postgraduate admission procedures.

5. Providing academic advice to postgraduate students referred by departments, as well as dealing with issues involving postgraduate students’ progress, appeals, individual and group complaints, and students’ representations about programs.

6. Overseeing the updating of information provided by the faculty for current and prospective postgraduate students, including the faculty entry in the Postgraduate Prospectus.

7. Assigning chairs to the Faculty Graduate Studies Committee and the Faculty Examinations Board for postgraduate taught programs.

Programs of Study

Program Type Program Title Credits
Graduate Master of Clinical Pharmacy 36
Graduate MBA in Management 39
Graduate MBA in Accounting Information Systems 39






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